BI Recording/Video Storage time frame


Getting the hang of it
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
i have it set up as a week, but i cant seem to get more then a day backwards, am i missing something


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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You have a couple of issues.

First is that it is a whichever comes first - the GB or limit clip age. 100GB is not a lot, so it is probably hitting that first.

If you want 7 days, then you need to give enough storage for 7 days.

But it is better to simply limit it by storage not day.

You broke the number 1 rule of renaming the New, Alerts, and Stored folders and now it could be all effed up.

From the help file:

By default, there are four folders configured to store recordings—Database, New, Stored, and
Alerts. More precisely, only New and Stored are used to store video files; the Database folder
hosts a series of .dat files which are used by the software to keep track of the other folders,
and the Alerts folder will remain empty unless you have asked for hi-res alert images on the
Record tab in camera settings. These folders should not be renamed. The Alerts folder may
not be used otherwise for direct recording, even if you rename it.

So there are 3 folders you cannot rename - Alerts, New, and Stored - According to your screenshots you renamed the folders they go to - they need to be Alerts, New, and Stored. It are the Aux that you can do renaming. Even though you renamed them, internally they are still Alerts, New, Stored and now they have nowhere to go or are going to wrong places.

Also, you should have the database on the fastest drive. For most is it c:\blueiris\db - You could potentially be having issues.

Further, is your stored on the same drive as new? If so, it makes zero since to move files - wearing out the drive faster and using up CPU?

You only move from NEW to STORED if it is going to a NAS. If it is the same drive or drives within the computer, it is best to split cameras across the drives.


Getting the hang of it
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
i just wanted wanted to move where recordings go because my 2nd drive is basically empty (D) 2TB sitting there, where as my main drive is getting tight due to OneDrive
how would i go about moving all the recordings to "D" properly so there is no issues


Getting the hang of it
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
how can i reset the default place where the files are stored so i cant at least start resolving issue properly
also plan was to add another new drive and then just put the BI stuff there, is there any issue with that ?
i got rid of the day storage and just did 500gb for now