Excessive RAM use (up to 19 gigs!) [SOLVED]


Apr 19, 2021
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Quick summation: Having RAM issues? Maybe it's your display driver. Did you recently update it? Maybe it's time to "roll back", or, in my case, completely reinstall an older version.

I'm just dropping a note to share my solution. I use the iOS app and, for months, the RAM percentage was up in the 80s and even 90s! I had thrown a few ideas at fixing the problem but I'm not a pro, and I've been pretty busy so I didn't have a lot of time to troubleshoot. Was it caused by a Win11 update? Was it the fact that I had too many continuous recordings?

Long story short, I had, among other updates, updated my Intel display drivers in late 2023. And I updated again about a month ago (which didn't fix the problem). Yesterday I installed the 2021 (three year-old) driver that probably came with the PC, and the RAM is behaving normally.