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  1. garycrist

    Funny / Satire

    Sitting at a big table are Hillary, with her "hot sauce" Pocahontas her hubby and some beer, and the "bar bitch er tender" and have Chuckie cook up some food to prove they are like.... Us?:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: How do you like your cheese? Medium or well?
  2. garycrist

    Help with generic light bulb IP camera

    That kind of scares me! An IP cam with a "bug",plugged inside a "secure area", tattle tailing back to China.
  3. garycrist

    The official "WTF" thread

    Also, did you ever notice, a lot of cars in Cali base movies, have PCI pr PCE starting letters?
  4. garycrist

    The official "WTF" thread

    THX 1138... The future..
  5. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I saw a good quote the other day that went something like this. "I would die for my country to protect my family. Now, I will die for my family to protect it from my country". It makes one think!
  6. garycrist

    New LED Street Lights in My Neighborhood

    I found out the hard way about those strobing fluorescent light way back in 58! The lights were turned on and out I went! I do hate some of the car light as they strobe too. Even now I close my eyes when I turn on lights.
  7. garycrist

    The official "WTF" thread

    Funny how everyone is on Boeing ass but, Lockheed and their problems with the F-35, F22 and spares no one can find! If a wheel falls off a 15 year old Boeing jet is that Boeing's fault? How about FOD on take-off that causes an un-start of course it's Boeing's fault that a Pratt&Whitney or a...
  8. garycrist

    It's PRIDE Month....

    But the "Gay Community" is inclusive, and they want all to participate as they lead them to HELL and a "Lake of fire"!:mad:
  9. garycrist

    Funny / Satire

    I love the MSM as they are emphasizing Russia Hyper-sonic missiles. Now we just tested a Hyper-sonic missile off the coast of California, With this "new missile" will get to Russia in 30 minutes. Okay, when did this time ever change, as it's been 30 minutes for the last 50+ years ? What a bunch...
  10. garycrist

    Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?

    Putin and Erdogan have "Hooks in his jaw". They can't resist the upcoming war that will swell and consume them all. This war is not about West vs East but the beginning of the defeat of the Evil One and his followers. Sure they will make it to Paradise but, afterwards judgement follows, and pray...
  11. garycrist

    Burglary Tourism?!?

    I think I'll buy a bunch of fake rubber duck antennas, put them up on some old cams I'm too lazy to take down and wait for the fun to begin!
  12. garycrist

    Shrink-flation: Post your examples

    DJT showing the shrink..
  13. garycrist

    Arjun, where are ya?

    That gal is "Three Dog Night" for a week!
  14. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    It is a comedy in it's truest form. The Benedict Arnold award would be shared by only 51 "intelligence scum". Remember Ronald Reagan saying the worst thing to hear was "I'm from the government and I'm here to help". Well times have change and now it's "I'm from the government and we will do...
  15. garycrist

    Funny / Satire

    My Smartphone has a dumb operator! :rolleyes:
  16. garycrist

    bidens incredible transition to electric cars

    Batteries for an 18 wheeler is simple! 2 28 foot pups with 1 being batteries.:rofl::rofl:
  17. garycrist

    Stop Sign Camera - Coming to a city near you!

    I do not trust the State.....
  18. garycrist

    Shrink-flation: Post your examples

    Back in the early 70's Paul Harvey did an expose on Thomas English Muffins. How they had more air and bigger holes to just as the add said, "holds more butter". Lard was good for you too as well as real sugar and butter. It was because one felt "full" faster.
  19. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I learned real early in life, that only bad guys wear masks.
  20. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I would have love to play poker with Clapper with all of his tells. Especially when he lies or bluffs, as he vigorously rubs his bald head!
  21. garycrist

    Money & Economics

    Most of those jobs have gone to the INVADERS! As usual, it is impossible to believe anything government officials spew from their "pie holes".
  22. garycrist

    Funny / Satire

    I fixed that little red car! Don't mess with old people!
  23. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Vote my aching ass. I want to count the votes!
  24. garycrist

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    "American Crazies and Loonies Unite" have started a campaign to help the rapists and criminals that are invading OUR NEIGHBORHOODS!
  25. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    They say dysentery is hereditary. It's in the jeans.
  26. garycrist

    Dark Night, No aurora forecast, but Color 4K-T comes through

    @TonyR, I know God created the Universe and the Cosmologists have confirmed the creation, just like Genesis says! Even they confirm the real bummer, that is to say "The Big Rip" or the ultimate separation of the lost form Glory. "In the beginning..." Neutral Hydrogen atoms sucked up the light...
  27. garycrist

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I like the family quilting bee with Hunter and Abbie @ the Delaware Courthouse. Did the Jury "get the message"?
  28. garycrist

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    Once more nothing to see here folks. Just 2500 terrorists per day! M14s would stop them better.
  29. garycrist

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    The problem with all of these poor kids is the Broken Home Syndrome. With no father in the home, I thought I send the toilet drinkers an instructional video.